What are Tutti profiles and why would I need more than one?

Profiles exist to help you keep your creative life organised on Tutti

Charlie Spokes

Last Update 2 years ago

As individuals in the arts often have multiple roles & need to collaborate with various groups of people, we have built our technology to reflect that.

We’ve created a system called “Tutti profiles” to help keep your creative lives organised on Tutti.

Want to learn how to create multiple profiles? Check out this article here

Here’s an example of how to use those profiles:

Our founder, Gabriel, is a cellist. Yet artists have many roles: let’s say he performs solo sometimes, but he is also the member of a quartet, an admin for an orchestra, and he has a music room with a piano he wants to rent on Tutti.

Each of those roles will use Tutti slightly differently:
  • Role 1: Gabriel, the soloist - He will want to get out of the house to practice alone somewhere new every once in a while.
  • Role 2: Gabriel, the quartet member - Sometimes it would be nice to find a central location between everyone’s houses for the quartet to meet, rather than always meeting where it’s convenient for 1, and a hassle for 3.
  • Role 3: Gabriel, the orchestra admin - The orchestra has a number of specific needs, the most important of which is a room with enough physical space. It is Gabriel’s job to find the orchestra space, and he will occasionally need to invite his colleagues onto Tutti to vet potential venues. He doesn't want them to see all the other settings, messages, and bookings for his quartet or solo work.
  • Role 4: Gabriel, the music room owner - He wants to list his music room as a bookable space on Tutti
  • Within Tutti, Gabriel can create separate profiles for solo, quartet, orchestra, and renting his music room. Each profile will have separate settings, favourites, and information, so Gabriel doesn’t mix up potential spaces & booking histories for his different roles.
  • Additionally, he can invite as many collaborators to each profile as he would like:
  • For Gabriel’s quartet, he can add the other 3 quartet members so they can all look for good spaces and split the work across 4 people.
  • For Gabriel’s music room, he can add his flat mate who can let occasional musicians in when Gabriel is unavailable.

Profiles are built to make your life as easy as possible on Tutti.

  • You do not have to log out in order to switch profiles.
  • There is no limit to how many profiles you can have.
  • There is no limit to the number of collaborators you can add to a profile.
  • You do not have to pay for additional profiles. 

Instructions for switching profiles and creating new profiles:

On desktop, click your icon at the top right. (This could either be a coloured square with a white letter OR your photo or logo).

Click the arrow next to your profile name.

  • If you only have 1 profile, you'll find the option to create a new profile.
  • If you have more than 1 profile, simply select the profile you wish to switch to.

On phone/tablet, click your icon at the top left. (This could either be a coloured square with a white letter OR your photo or logo).

Click the arrow next to your profile name.

  • If you only have 1 profile, you'll find the option to create a new profile.
  • If you have more than 1 profile, simply select the profile you wish to switch to.

We can't wait to see how you use profiles.

If you ever have any questions, contact us!

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