How do I get my space to appear in more searches?

Respond to requests quickly, keep your information up to date, be a good member of the community.

Charlie Spokes

Last Update 2 years ago

We are building Tutti to try and level the playing field for creative venue hire. Unlike Google, where you either have to pay a lot of money to appear at the top, or hire an expensive digital marketing expert, we wanted to create a system that anyone could reach the top of, with zero technical knowledge and no ongoing costs.

The things our search algorithm cares about boil down to you being a good, responsive member of the Tutti community.

Our search system will rank your spaces higher if you:

  • Respond to requests quickly
  • Give everyone an answer, even if it's a no.
  • Complete more booking requests via the Tutti booking system
  • Get verified by our payment provider - which also means all payments are fully automated for your convenience.
  • Receive more bookings (don't just rely on our adverts to get you bookings)
  • Fill out your listing with as much correct, detailed information, as possible.
  • Have good photos (we can help you with this - just email us if you want details).
  • Give artists a good booking experience (so they rate you higher)

Our algorithm is likely to evolve over time, but our values of making sure everyone can please it, regardless of funds or technical knowledge, will never change. We will keep you apprised of changes we make via our patch notes, newsletters, and these FAQs.

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